Monday, December 30, 2013

Holidays Gangnam Style in GC

A fellow GC resident passed on some great inside information last week- the light show in Garden City. I hadn't heard of this before and certainly never observed when living in the city, so I definitely wanted to check it out. I went that night and it is definitely not to be missed. If you are able to drive by 4 Lincoln Ave before their last night on Jan 4, please do it. These are no amateurs. They've been doing this for seven years and their experience shows. It's simple- drive up, tune your radio to 105.5 and enjoy the show. You will hear traditional holiday tunes as well as more recent hit music, such as Gangnam Style. It's a pretty great show and I'm planning to stop by again before the 4th. 

Here's a more comprehensive list of their songs: 
The Fox - Ylvis
Wake Me Up - Avicii
Gangnam Style - Psy
Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO
Wizards in Winter - Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Christmas Eve Sarajevo - Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Jingle Bells - Barbra Streisand

Carol of the Bells - David Foster
Amazing Grace - Yule
Music Box Dancer - DJ Schwede
Fri and Sat: 5-11 pm
Sun thru Thur 5-10 pm

If you visit their facebook page or their website,, you will politely be advised to keep the neighbors in mind by keeping your music low while in the car. There is also a notification that Lights to a Beat is accepting donations for the Make-A-Wish foundation. There is a Make-A-Wish sign and donation box at the sidewalk. The night I was there, many people were getting out of their cars and donating. That's the holiday spirit!

For me, this live show was at least as entertaining as the Guinness Book of World Records original Gangnam Style video (1.8 billion YouTube views- Wow!).

I hear this type of experience can be found in other towns across America and it's one trend of suburban entertainment that I hope continues. It's not exactly something you would find in a Norman Rockwell painting, but it does put a smile on your face and therefore, in the "Christmas spirit." 

If you don't get a chance to drive by, check out the link below:

Like our Facebook page: InsideGardenCity

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