Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Butter Makes it Better

Some people have a sweet tooth and some have a savory tooth. Lucky (or not so lucky) for me, I have a serious sweet tooth. When I visited Buttercooky Bakery on Jericho Turnpike for the first time last weekend, I was very excited to try a variety of their sweets.

One of my go to desserts is always a cannoli. I chose the chocolate covered shell. Did I mention I had a sweet tooth? For some reason, I didn't manage a picture of the cannoli... Let's just say it was solid. However, if you're into crumb cake or biscotti, I wouldn't say Buttercooky is your first stop (more about that in another post). Can't resist paraphrasing a Godfather quote to sum this up: "Leave the crumb cake and biscotti... Take the cannoli." 

It seemed that people could not get enough of the cakes. They were coming in left and right to pick up cakes, order cakes, buy pre-made cakes and order wedding cakes. The pre-mades cakes in the cases looked fantastic, although I didn't try them. At this point, my jeans were begging me to stop. Here are a few that are worth a return trip:


I met a fellow GC customer at Buttercooky, who confessed to being a regular. He told me I couldn't go wrong with the Grand Marnier Chocolate Mousse cake. I may have to come up with an occasion just to order this in the near future:

I spotted these on the way out and since Superbowl Sunday is coming up, you may want to order a few when you're planning your menu:

Buttercooky's cupcakes all looked picture-perfect. They would make a great addition to any party or shower. Who could resist these?

They also have a Manhasset location. But it's time for a trip to the gym before I visit that one!

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1 comment:

  1. I like the picture of the last cupcakes which would be great for two of my grandchildren who have birthdays coming up next month. Sounds like a great place.
