Earth Day is a great time to think about our planet and what we will be leaving behind for future generations. We can all take steps to improve upon our "green" behavior and encourage others to do the same. There are so many ways to make our world greener and many take very little effort. Here are some easy tips to reduce, reuse, recycle:
1. I like adding the words "refuse" and "rethink" to the green motto mentioned above. One easy thing you can do is refuse plastic shopping bags in the grocery store, or any other store for that matter. Bring your own reusable cloth bags or reuse the plastic ones you have at home. I know I'm not the only one with a plastic bag filled with plastic bags in my cabinet!
2. Try not to throw away the plastic bags that you don't need. Drop them in a bag recycling bin found at CVS, ShopRite and most other grocery stores. These bins will also usually accept plastic dry cleaning bags, plastic bread bags, etc.
3. While most of us are pretty good at acquiring "stuff", we are probably not as good at discarding things. There are many options to recycle our no longer needed goods to someone else who could use them. Craigslist has a free section. Freecycle is a great website that makes it easy to turn one man's trash into another man's treasure. Donate to a thrift store, Salvation Army or consignment store (if you want to make some cash on your goods).
4. Another option is to donate your goods to a local cause like the annual GC Andy Foundation Yard Sale or the upcoming Benefit Yard Sale this Sat, 4/26, at the Tanners Pond Environmental Center in GC. Call 516-326-1720 for more information about donating.
5. Walk more/drive less: With spring upon us it's a great time to reduce some of your car trips. Do whatever errands you can by foot to reduce air pollution. Visit Big City Bicycle on Nassau Blvd to give your bike a tune-up or to buy one (better yet- try Craigslist, a yard sale or Freecycle for a used bike). And when it's time for a new car, think fuel-efficient!
6. Eat local/healthy foods. Patronize local restaurants that support local farmers. I may as well mention the local wineries here too. There are plenty of great wines produced on Long Island's North Fork that we can be proud of!
7. Use a reusable coffee cup and save the cardboard. Hint: this only works if you actually bring the cup with you to your local coffee shop! Definitely refuse styrofoam cups. Tsk Tsk... Dunkin Donuts.
8. And the easiest one of all that we do we every day… unplug appliances and chargers when not in use. How simple is that?
It's really not that difficult to go the green way. Visit for more tips and ideas. Happy Earth Day!
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