Thursday, April 3, 2014

Painting and Pinot at Revel

It has been said that "talent writes with coffee; genius writes with wine." I was hoping the same could be said in regards to painting...

Recently, Revel on Franklin Ave hosted a ladies night painting party. $65 bought you drinks, hors d'oeuvres, paints and brushes, an easel, canvas and most importantly (for me anyway)- the instruction of the art teachers from PaintNite.- where the motto is to "drink creatively."

Not a painter or artist in any sense of the word, but always up for something new, I gathered up a few friends and took the painting plunge. It was advertised as "No Experience Necessary" so I thought this was perfect for me. Plus, I figured a drink or two could probably only improve my painting skills. Revel looked great on this Wednesday night. The front of the restaurant was busy and there was a good bar scene too- a NYC-esque crowd, as usual. The "painters" were gathered in the back where the paints and (delish) hors d'oeuvres were freely flowing.

After some mingling, it was down to business. Tables had been set up with easels, smocks and canvases. It looked very well organized- so far so good. Then the instruction and the painting began. It started off quite well- but as the night progressed, one could start to see a difference in the talent that was in the room that night. Some of the women were quite good and others were clearly there for the social part of the evening only. I fell into the latter category. My excuse was that I could not hear the instructor very well over the din of the socializing, which was true but probably not the main reason why my painting won't be hanging over the fireplace.

The instructors from PaintNite were very friendly and helpful. They ran a well organized event. Keep them in mind next time you're looking for an alternative to the traditional party. They do birthdays, fundraisers, corporate events, etc... You can find them at

Overall, I would definitely sign up for another painting party like this and I recommend you catch it next time if you missed this one. I made new friends, hung out with old friends and realized that painting is pretty fun. I might even take a trip to Michael's for some art supplies and "brush up" on my painting. Next time I'll be ready and may actually bring home a wall-worthy painting!

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