Thursday, July 2, 2015

Inside Out- A Review

Our movie and entertainment correspondent, Carly Hampton, is here with a review of the latest and greatest from Disney Pixar, "Inside Out". If you haven't heard any of the buzz yet about this movie, read on...

Inside Out

Pixar has done it again! They have a knack for storytelling and touching on all of our emotions- like the time we cried when Andy gave away his toys in "Toy Story 3" or laughed at the things that Dory said in “Finding Nemo” or even when we were a little afraid of Randall in "Monsters Inc". The summer smash “Inside Out” is no exception. In fact, Pixar very literally brings to life all of our emotions.  

With a comedy cast of voice actors, we meet Joy (Amy Pohler), Disgust (Mindy Kaling), Fear (Bill Hader), Anger (Lewis Black) and Sadness (Phyllis Smith) in this amazing movie. Riley is a happy-go lucky hockey playing 11-year-old girl from the Midwest. Her emotions – Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness work in the “headquarters” of her brain to keep her safe and happy, but when her family moves to San Francisco her world is turned upside down. 

The move causes a little trouble in headquarters when Sadness is brought to the forefront of Riley’s mind. Joy tries to stop Sadness from upsetting Riley and the two emotions are accidentally sucked out of headquarters, leaving only Fear, Disgust and Anger in control. It is Joy’s mission to get back to headquarters with Sadness and help Riley in this difficult transition in her life.

Inside Out is a great movie for kids. It teaches them to communicate and not to let their Joy get lost. Personifying the emotions that we have can help children understand what’s going on inside themselves and in others. The movie sends a good message to youngsters while not being preachy or boring so they will enjoy themselves while watching.  

I was really blown away by the film’s creativity and writing. The story itself is so unique and very unpredictable. Throughout the film, we are taken on a journey through Riley’s mind. We see how dreams are made, what’s in her subconscious, where memories go and we also get to take a ride on the “train of thought”. There are different islands in Riley’s mind that make up her personality such as Family Island, Hockey Island, Goofball Island and a few others. The way Pixar showed everything that goes on in our mind was really fun. 

The movie deals with emotions and how people react to different things but it isn’t heavy or draining. Pixar does an awesome job of keeping the story funny and light. Sadness sounds like it could be a bummer of a character but she is actually doofy and very funny throughout the film. Anger is also funny and is only upset by things he thinks are “unfair” like no dessert. Inside Out does have a few sad moments but that’s Pixar for ya.

            Visually the movie was very bright, colorful and cute. The best part about any Pixar movie is finding  “Easter Eggs” which are hidden things that the animators leave in the background for the audience to spot, such as objects and characters from previous films. You might see Lightning McQueen or a Pizza Planet truck or something from a new upcoming Pixar movie.  

            I recommend seeing Inside Out. It would be a fun movie to see with the family on a rainy afternoon or you could be one of the weird adults that goes and sees it alone because she loves Pixar so much (I’m not talking about me, I swear). Anyway, I hope you see it and enjoy it as much as I did. If you have seen it or go to see it, tell me what you think. Did you find any “Easter eggs”? Did you love it? Did you hate it? Let me know. Until next time GC. Thanks for reading!

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